Before School Care
Before school care operates from 7am-8:30am and enables the children to participate in a variety of free choice or programmed learning opportunities.
Toast is served at 8am for those who need breakfast.
If arriving later or your child has specific dietary requirements please provide alternative snacks.
Bookings may be made on a permanent ongoing basis in which there is a 2 week notice period for cancellations or on a casual basis provided the centre is notified before 3pm a day prior or to subject to availability. Please note emails and messages are not read on weekends so Monday bookings must be made and confirmed on Fridays.
FEES $16
After School Care
After school care operates from 3pm-6pm and enables the children to participate in a variety of free choice or programmed learning opportunities.
An afternoon tea of fruit, sandwiches, cheese and crackers is served on arrival with late afternoon tea made freshly that day and served at 4:30pm. Our weekly menu can be found at the entrance of the centre and changes week to week. If your child has specific dietary requirements please provide alternative snacks.
Currently our ASC program is fully booked with an extensive waiting period of over 2 years. You are welcome to add your child’s name to our waitlist via the enrolment form but suggest alternative arragements for care in the meantime. Priority will be given in line with Commonwealth Government requirements and to Committee members with office bearing positions.
FEES $30
Vacation Care
The Vacation Care program operates from 7:30am-6:00pm and enables the children to participate in a variety of free choice or programmed learning opportunities. These include either an excursion, incursion or in-centre activity, planned each day (refer to VAC program).
Morning tea, lunch (not on excursion days), afternoon tea, and late afternoon tea are provided each day. Please refer to the menu outside the centre. If your child has specific dietary requirements, please provide alternative snacks.
Vacation Care booking opens first to families currently enrolled in Before and After School Care at the centre. It is then distributed to families at Subiaco Primary School the following week. Families outside the school are welcome to book once the program becomes available on the website.
Bookings can be made via an electronic booking form. Please note new families must also complete an enrolment form for each child for the booking to be confirmed.
The Summer VAC booking details will be available here by the end of the day, 5th of December.
FEES $72