Welcome to our centre. Please read this information carefully to assist you in settling your child into the Centre and to answer any questions you may have. If you require more detailed information, or a copy of the activity program, please do not hesitate to consult with the Director or a staff member. The Centre’s Policy Manual is available in the admin’s office for you to view at any time.
- We are located at 160 Hamersley Road, Subiaco
- Number of places : 50
- Age range of children: 4-14yrs
Mission, Vision and Core Values of the Centre
To provide a high quality and affordable out of school hours child care service for Primary School age children which meets the varied demands of the working parent, the student parent and as demand/vacancies permit, any other eligible parent.
Mission Statement
To engage children and families of our community in a supportive and safe environment, where each child’s skills and interests are nurtured through our programs and play.
Vision Statement
Our centre will create a fun and stimulating learning environment where each child can create lasting memories through engaging experiences. Each individual will be valued, treated with a sense of responsibility and encouraged to reach their full potential through a holistic approach and supportive network.
Our Core Values
– Integrity – An organisation that is trustworthy, transparent and honest
– Relationships – Where connections are fostered between the staff, children, families and the community
– Communication – Where new ideas are cultivated and members of our community are engaged
– Collaboration – Working together building trust of our functional group, where each child, educator and family are valued.
– Respect – Modelling positive interactions where all individuals are considered and valued.
– Fun – Providing exciting and enriching experiences, allowing each individual to flourish.
– Quality – Ensuring all work is completed to a high standard.
Management of the Centre (Community Based Services)
The Centre is managed by an Incorporated Committee, comprising of parents who use the service and other community representatives who have an interest in the operations of the service. Parental involvement is very important at a management level to ensure the service is meeting family needs. All families are eligible to be elected onto the Management Committee and are welcome to provide input into the operations of the service at any time. Please feel free to raise any ideas or issues to the centre, or speak to any of the listed Committee Members at any time.
Management Committee Meetings are held periodically over the year. The list of current Committee Members and minutes of these meetings are kept in our office. You are welcome to read them at any time. The Committee is responsible for the operations of the service to ensure it meets all legal requirements and is financially viable.
From time to time the Management Committee may establish sub-committees to take on certain projects or events. All parents are encouraged to participate in these sub-committees or to offer other skills or assistance to the running of the Centre at any opportunity.
During the year, the Committee organises informal social events for parents at whom you can get to know other parents and your Management Committee. You are encouraged to attend these get together to find out a little more about the Centre and to establish friendships with other families that your child will meet at the Centre.
Our Children’s Activity Program
Our staff are supportive, encouraging, and communicate with the children in a friendly, positive and courteous manner to establish a warm and caring relationship with each child in their care. Educators are happy to discuss your child’s participation in the program with you, and we encourage you to stay for a chat prior to taking your child home at the end of the day.
Activity Program
Children who attend our Centre may participate in a range of activities that have been planned to reflect the children’s interests and meet their developmental needs.
The staff are responsible for creating an atmosphere and environment which is responsive to the needs of each individual child and to the group as a whole and which reflects the philosophy and goals of the service. The program will be balanced and include indoor and outdoor learning experiences, quiet and active times, individual, small group and large group times, time for individual staff/child interaction, group interests, children’s special interests, and be flexible enough to allow for spontaneity and the unexpected.
Children will be encouraged to have input into program planning. The program will be child centred and will allow children to experience a variety of materials and pursue their own interests. There will always be alternative choices when a child does not want to participate in a particular activity.
You will find the weekly program displayed in the activity room. We invite you to have input into program development especially in relation to multicultural issues, music and storytelling. Any suggestions you have can be discussed directly with Centre staff.
Children will be taken on excursions outside of the Centre as part of the planned activities during Vacation Care.
Excursions are considered to be an integral part of the children’s program and will therefore be arranged from time to time, to provide a broad range of learning experiences for children. Permission for walks to the local park is granted or denied on the enrolment form. For all other excursions, written permission will be sought from parents and details of the outing provided in writing. All excursions will comply with the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2012. Excursion plans will be submitted to the management committee for approval prior to the excursion taking place.
You are requested not to send your child on an excursion if they display any signs of being unwell. This is in the interests of everyone concerned. Pocket money for excursions should be discouraged.
All swimming activities will be carefully planned and any risks assessed.
Parents are asked to provide information about their child’s swimming skill level on the enrolment form. (Nominate your child’s Vacswim Level or describe their swimming ability.) It will not be assumed that older children are better swimmers then younger swimmers.
The required ratio of staff to children will comply with the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2012. All swimming activities will be assessed for risks using Risk Assessment Form. Only low risk swimming activities will be conducted. High risk swimming activities will not be permitted at any time.
Food and Nutrition
Snacks form a significant part of the Centre routine.
Please make sure that any food allergies, strong dislikes and/or special dietary requirements your child might have are recorded on the enrolment form and discussed with the Director.
The Centre prepares morning and afternoon tea, and requires parents to provide a packed lunch for their child (excursion). The menu will be changed regularly, be nutritionally balanced and reflect a wide variety of cultures. Consideration will also be given to cost effectiveness. Children are often involved in preparing and cooking snacks as part of the planned activity program. Children are taught how to store, prepare and serve food hygienically. The weekly snack menu is displayed on the notice board. Ideas and recipes are welcome.
Snack times are treated as social occasions. The staff always sit with the children during snack times to interact with them, provide help where needed and set a good example for the children.
Personal Toys
The Centre provides a wide variety of sports equipment, games and toys for all children to play with and we encourage children to leave their personal toys at home.
We understand that many children would like to bring toys to the Centre, however if toys get damaged or lost at the Centre it can cause great distress for the child. We request therefore that all personal toys are left at home. Whilst all care is taken, the Centre will take no responsibility for broken or lost toys that do not belong to the centre.
Children’s birthdays are a special day that we enjoy celebrating with them.
If parents wish the Centre to celebrate their child’s birthday they may provide a cake (only) for afternoon tea. The staff will encourage the children to sing “Happy Birthday”. Parents are more than welcome to join the occasion if they can.
Special Events
We consider that special events which happen during the year provide an excellent learning and socialising opportunity for the children.
Programs will reflect the cultural differences of all families using the service. The Centre will celebrate special events with the children that reflect the cultural heritage and ethnic origins of children attending the service. The following events are celebrated at the Centre each year:
- Special Persons’ Days (i.e. Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day etc.)
- Chinese New Year
- Easter
- Christmas
- Others
The Centre understands that some parents may not wish their child to participate in some celebrations and therefore notice will be given on the notice board of forthcoming celebrations, so that parents may choose whether or not their child will participate.